Thursday, September 25, 2008

what are you plans for the upcomong election?

me myself i plan to vote obama but ima keep it real im not registerd to vote. but i will get registered i hope obama will bring change. but in my opinon i think it will take a while for obama to chang anything bush has messed up the ecnomy so bad obama will have to fix his mess he leaves behind. the economy is in shambelles i have sppoken to several family members and they tell me they are undicided which is scary to me. my mom told me just cause obama black dont make him the right choice so she had me thinkin if sarah palin can do it so can barock. he is a young black male from chicago with a black father and a white mothe he is the american dream i want change what about you. a giid job is so hard to find i have just been investing money and making music which is my passion a nine to five is not me. i know what you thinkin he lazy no i just have bigger dreams than counting tacos. also sidebar why woud i work all week just for uncle sam to take all my money i cnat be fresh of mcdonalds. i wnat the best and so do you so i am just gonna hope for the best and in the end we all want change. but what are you wilin to do to make the world a better palce?

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